Applications are now open for Palm Beach County.
Application Due Date: October 27, 2024Are you eligible?
To apply for Philanthropy Tank, you should be:
-A student or group of students in 8th-11th grade who live or attend a school in Palm Beach County.
-Submitting a project that directly addresses a social issue in Palm Beach County.
You can apply as a team with up to 4 students on one application. A winning team may execute their project with a larger group (i.e. a school club) if they choose.
Benefits of becoming a CHANGEmaker

If you are awarded funding, you will be accepted into a yearlong program that provides opportunities to:
- Create a positive change in your community.
- Receive one on one mentorship from experienced philanthropists.
- Attend professional development workshops & events.
- Interview for T.V., radio, print, and online news outlets.
- Receive nomination opportunities for national and local awards and scholarships.
- Network with prominent government, business, and community leaders.
- Gain skills, knowledge, and tools to develop a nonprofit organization.
We offer workshops for applicants who would like some assistance with their applications or for those who want feedback.
General Workshops
Saturday, June 29 @ 10 AM
Saturday, July 27 @ 10 AM
Saturday, August 24 @ 10 AM
Saturday, September 21 @ 10 AM
Topic Workshops
Thursday, June 13 @ 4 PM
Thursday, July 11 @ 4 PM
Thursday, August 15 @ 4 PM
Thursday, September 5 @ 4PM

Applications are now closed for Baltimore.
Benefits of becoming a CHANGEmaker

If you are awarded funding, you will be accepted into a yearlong program that provides opportunities to:
- Create a positive change in your community.
- Receive one on one mentorship from experienced philanthropists.
- Attend professional development workshops & events.
- Interview for T.V., radio, print, and online news outlets.
- Receive nomination opportunities for national and local awards and scholarships.
- Network with prominent government, business, and community leaders.
- Gain skills, knowledge, and tools to develop a nonprofit organization.
Important Dates
If selected as a finalist, you will be required to attend the following workshops that will prepare you to present your idea at our Finals Event.
Applications Open: Spring 2024
Video Submissions Due: Spring 2024
Virtual Workshop: By appointment at info@philanthropytank.org
Privacy Policy Statement
Under no circumstance will Philanthropy Tank, Inc. sell or share any information from its applicant list to any private or public sector entity.
Philanthropy Tank’s records, including names, addresses, email addresses, and other identifying information, will be maintained in a confidential environment at Philanthropy Tank’s offices. Access to such information shall only be given to authorized staff and or volunteers who assure, on an ongoing basis, that they will never use the information for any reason other than for the good of Philanthropy Tank and that they will fully comply with all requirements of this policy.
Philanthropy Tank collects, uses, and stores the information you provide when you communicate with us by email, web form submission, phone, or fax. No information other than what you provide is collected.
To speak with someone at Philanthropy Tank headquarters regarding necessary changes to your contact information, please email info@philanthropytank.org.